
Custom product, custom solution, custom assemblies…

It’s the core of our business here at OptoSigma. We understand that each project requires its own solution. Whether you are a researcher or an industrial, sometimes, often, standard products cannot satisfy all your requirements and especially the most important ones. It has to be custom-made.

A lot of manufacturers view this as a burden and require high Minimal Order Quantity… Not OptoSigma ! To the contrary, we view each inquiry as an opportunity to bring forward a new solution, an opportunity to allow you to move forward in your projects. That’s why we work a lot on our capability to propose custom products and solutions. That means no Minimal Order Quantity and the guarantee that we will do a feasibility check on your project.

We benefit from more than 40+ years of experience in customizing photonics components, it’s part of our DNA and we’re proud of it.

And to customize, there are 2 ways to go about it:

1) Starting from a standard product

Looking for a slightly different solution than what’s already available?
No problem, we can base the customization on our standard products, whether it is dimensioning, assembling or coating, the standard products are always a solid base to start.

For example:
You see a lens that is really interesting to you but you are looking for a different wavelength range? No problem, we’ll just change the coating depending on your specs.
You see a couple of stages that can’t yet be assembled together? No problem, we’ll design the custom adapter plate.

2) Starting from scratch

You have detailed and already fixed requirements?
Send us your specifications file, we will do a feasibility check and propose you the most suitable solution to your requirements. We want you to be part of the process!

For example:
You are looking for a custom holder with rotation and tip tilt adjustment for large mirrors?
No problem, we can design some options and possibilities, we discuss on the design and come to an agreement.