Optics & optical coatings

Guide | Technical Referance

Optical Formula

Snell’s law

Snell’s law

Reflectance (Normal incidence) R0

Reflectance (Normal incidence) R0

Critical angle θR = θ2

Critical angle θR = θ2

Reflectance (P polarization) RP

Reflectance (P polarization) RP

Brewster angle θB = θ1

Brewster angle θB = θ1

Reflectance (S polarization) RS

Reflectance (S polarization) RS

Translation of beam for Optical Parallel D

Translation of beam for Optical Parallel D

Deviation angle of beam by wedge plate δ

Deviation angle of beam by wedge plate δ

Optical Density OD

Optical Density OD

Lens formula

Lens formula

Focal length of Lens combinations

Focal length of Lens combinations

Focal length of a lens

Focal length of a lens
Focal length of thick lens Focal length of thick lens
Focal length of biconvex lens Focal length of biconvex lens
Focal length of glass sphere Focal length of glass sphere
Focal length of plano convex lens Focal length of plano convex lens

Magnification of Beam Expander B

Magnification of Beam Expander B

Focal length of Concave Mirrors

Magnification of Beam Expander B

Formula of concentrated beam

Magnification of Beam Expander B
Beam waist 1/e2 Beam waist 1/e2
Resolution of light microscope Resolution of light microscope

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