Kinematic Laser Holders


Kinematic Laser Holders
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LAH-4 is a high stability laser holder for He-Ne laser. Easy to use, two axis thumbscrews with locks.
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2 weeks
Compatible Laser Diameter φ35.1mm
Optical Axis Height 48mm *
Adjustment Range /Tilt ±2°
Adjustment Range /Rotation ±2°
Resolution /Tilt 0.2°/rotation
Resolution /Rotation 0.2°/rotation
*With MHL-50BP, 7mm thick baseplate, the height of optical path would be 55 mm, the same height as LAH-3T Series.
2 weeks
Compatible Laser Diameter φ44.5mm
Optical Axis Height 48mm *
Adjustment Range /Tilt ±2°
Adjustment Range /Rotation ±2°
Resolution /Tilt 0.2°/rotation
Resolution /Rotation 0.2°/rotation
*With MHL-50BP, 7mm thick baseplate, the height of optical path would be 55 mm, the same height as LAH-3T Series.
2 weeks
Compatible Laser Diameter φ31.8mm
Optical Axis Height 48mm *
Adjustment Range /Tilt ±2°
Adjustment Range /Rotation ±2°
Resolution /Tilt 0.2°/rotation
Resolution /Rotation 0.2°/rotation
*With MHL-50BP, 7mm thick baseplate, the height of optical path would be 55 mm, the same height as LAH-3T Series.

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◦High stability kinematic mechanism suitable even for large He-Ne lasers. As it is easy to adjust angle of output beam, this holder can also be used for alignment of a guide laser for an invisible laser.
◦Compatible with a variety of laser diameters: 31.8 mm, 35.1 mm, 44.5 mm, and 45mm.

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