Near Ultra-violet (NUV) Objective Lenses


Near Ultra-violet (NUV) Objective Lenses
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This objective lens can be used for laser machining using pulsed laser of THG (355nm) YAG laser. Chromatic aberration is suppressed in both the visible and UV laser wavelength, achieving a high transmittance.
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100× 0.7 10mm
6-12 weeks
Item name MplanApo NUV HR 100x
Focal length f 2mm
Resolution 0.39μm
Focal depth ±0.60μm
Pupil diameter φ2.8mm
Real field of View (Eyepiece φ24mm) φ0.24mm
Real field of View (Imaging device 1/2-inch) 0.05×0.06mm
Laser Damage Threshold<sup>*</sup> 0.05J/cm2  at 355nm
Weight 0.53kg
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50× 0.45 15.1mm
6-12 weeks
Item name MplanApo NUV 50x
Focal length f 4mm
Resolution 0.61μm
Focal depth ±1.4μm
Pupil diameter φ3.6mm
Real field of View (Eyepiece φ24mm) φ0.48mm
Real field of View (Imaging device 1/2-inch) 0.10×0.13mm
Laser Damage Threshold<sup>*</sup> 0.05J/cm2  at 355nm
Weight 0.36kg
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10× 0.28 30.5mm
6-12 weeks
Focal length f 20mm
Resolution 1.0μm
Focal depth ±3.5μm
Pupil diameter φ11.2mm
Real field of View (Eyepiece φ24mm) φ2.4mm
Real field of View (Imaging device 1/2-inch) 0.48×0.64mm
Laser Damage Threshold<sup>*</sup> 0.05J/cm2  at 355nm
Weight 0.27kg
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100× 0.57 11.23mm
6-12 weeks
Item name MplanApo NUV 100x
Focal length f 2mm
Resolution 0.48μm
Focal depth ±0.80μm
Pupil diameter φ2.3mm
Real field of View (Eyepiece φ24mm) φ0.24mm
Real field of View (Imaging device 1/2-inch) 0.05×0.06mm
Laser Damage Threshold<sup>*</sup> 0.05J/cm2  at 355nm
Weight 0.38kg
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◦With its long working distance and field curvature corrected, its natural observation image is obtained to the periphery of the visual field.
◦With its long working infinity correction function; this objective lens can be used for a laser system and coaxial observation.
◦It is also used for the observation of near ultra-violet light.
◦This objective lens can be used with a pulse laser of visible light (532nm).
◦Laser Damage Threshold (Typical) 0.05J/cm2 (355nm), 0.1J/cm2 (532nm) (Laser pulse width 10ns, repetition frequency 20Hz)

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