Fiber Optic Circulators


Fiber Optic Circulators
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Fiber Optic Circulators
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8/125 μm 1550 nm FC/APC
6-12 weeks
Insersion Loss, Reverse 1.0 dB
Insersion Loss, Forward 0.7 dB
Power Handling 250 mW
Fiber jacket 0.9 mm
Fiber Type Polarization Maintaining
Backreflection 55 dB
9/125 μm 1310 nm FC/APC
6-12 weeks
Insersion Loss, Reverse 1.0 dB
Insersion Loss, Forward 0.7 dB
Power Handling 250 mW
Fiber jacket 0.9 mm
Fiber Type Single Mode
Backreflection 55 dB
7/125 μm 1310 nm FC/APC
6-12 weeks
Insersion Loss, Reverse 1.0 dB
Insersion Loss, Forward 0.7 dB
Power Handling 250 mW
Fiber jacket 0.9 mm
Fiber Type Polarization Maintaining
Backreflection 55 dB
9/125 μm 1550 nm FC/APC
6-12 weeks
Insersion Loss, Reverse 1.0 dB
Insersion Loss, Forward 0.7 dB
Power Handling 250 mW
Fiber jacket 0.9 mm
Fiber Type Single Mode
Backreflection 55 dB

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