Application System


Motorized XY stage system for inverted microscopes|BIOS-T series

Applicable to various microscopes using penetrated illumination (LED illumination) and epi-illumination.
Efficient in all sorts of sample inspections and image acquisitions.
Feedback control by built-in optical linear scale substantializes high accuracy in positioning.


Highly accurate motorized stage, Easily mountable on your existing microscope.

  • Applicable to various lines of inverted microscopes.
    (Olympus: IX71・IX81・IX70・IX73・IX83, Nikon: TE2000・Ti, and Leica: DMI)
  • Convert your existing manual stages into precisely-positioning motorized stages.
  • Outstanding in Time-lapse fluorescence observation system.
Standard type (Compatible microscopes: Olympus IX71, IX81, IX70, IX73, IX83 Nikon TE2000, Ti)
Part Number Resolution[ µm ] Travel[ mm ] Stage Controller Joystick Controller Feedback function
BIOS-406T 0.01 30(±15) FC-501G BJ-02G
BIOS-206T 0.1 FC-101G
BIOS-106T 0.1 SC-101G ×

Accessories: Middle seat (Olympus), annular ring (Nikon)

Microplate-compatible type (Compatible microscopes: Olympus IX71, IX81, IX70, IX73, IX83 Nikon TE2000, Ti Leica DMI)
Part Number Resolution[ µm ] Travel[ mm ] Stage Controller Joystick Controller Feedback function
BIOS-425T 0.01 X-axis 110
Y-axis 75
FC-501G BJ-02G
BIOS-225T 0.1 FC-101G
BIOS-125T 0.1 SC-101G ×
BIOS-229T 0.1 SHOT-302GS JS-300

Accessories: BIOS-SH-A, BIOS-SH-B
* Applicable to sample holders apart from standard accessories. Please contact us.

Option code


Please inform us of the maker and part number (model) of your existing microscope before purchase.

Interchangeable Sample Holder (option)


When using Microplate-compatible type, universal sample holders can be attached or detached for observationpurpose of plate or slideglass.

Sample Software for Simple Stage Control (BIOSControl)


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