Visible Square Dichroic Filters


Visible Square Dichroic Filters
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Mirrors of 3 fundamentals colors RGB for use in color separation. No absorption effects because of the dielectric optical coating, the transmitting and reflecting are applicable. For light transmitting, choose 2 colors out of the RGB dichroic mirror for color separation. (For example: DIM RED + DIM GRE = Reflect red, reflect green, and transmit blue)
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Attention ▶The filter transmittance wavelength characteristics are on the surface and the backside of the filter. It is a multi-filter with different coating characteristics combined together and mounted into a optics frame.
▶If the light incident angle is other than 0 degrees, the transmittance characteristics may change. In the normal situation, when the incident angle changes, the wavelength may shift to the long wavelength side.
▶An arrow indicating the light incident direction of the BP filter and the BA filter is different.
▶The filters are made for use in high temperature environment but for usage of high power exposure UV lamp, the stability and the efficiency of the filters are not guaranteed.

Guide ▶B270® is registered trademark of Schott AG.
▶For a suitable filter holder, please contact our Sales Division.
▶Different size, wavelength and deviation ratio not mentioned on-line or in our catalog are available as custom products upon on request.

Name Delivery Price Add to cart
6-12 weeks
Material B270
Incident angle 45°
Wavelength Range 400 - 700nm
Surface Quality (Scratch-Dig) 60-40
Clear aperture Circle of 90% of the diameter or Circle inscribed in a square of 90% of the dimensions
Dimensions 50 × 50mm
Thickness 1mm
High transmittance range <br>(45 degree incident) 420 - 550nm
Transmittance <br>(45 degree incident) >85%
Cutoff range <br>(45 degree incident) 640 - 700nm
Transmittance of cutoff range <br>(45 degree incident) <5%
Wavelength at 50% 590±10nm
6-12 weeks
Material B270
Incident angle 45°
Wavelength Range 400 - 700nm
Surface Quality (Scratch-Dig) 60-40
Clear aperture Circle of 90% of the diameter or Circle inscribed in a square of 90% of the dimensions
Dimensions 50 × 50mm
Thickness 1mm
High transmittance range <br>(45 degree incident) 535 - 700nm
Transmittance <br>(45 degree incident) >85%
Cutoff range <br>(45 degree incident) 400 - 450nm
Transmittance of cutoff range <br>(45 degree incident) <5%
Wavelength at 50% 490±10nm
1 week
Material B270
Incident angle 45°
Wavelength Range 400 - 700nm
Surface Quality (Scratch-Dig) 60-40
Clear aperture Circle of 90% of the diameter or Circle inscribed in a square of 90% of the dimensions
Dimensions 50 × 50mm
Thickness 1mm
High transmittance range <br>(45 degree incident) 420 - 470nm/620 - 700nm
Transmittance <br>(45 degree incident) >80% / >80%
Cutoff range <br>(45 degree incident) 510 - 550nm
Transmittance of cutoff range <br>(45 degree incident) <5%
Wavelength at 50% 500±10nm / 580±10nm

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◦The switching from reflecting and transmitting is steep; it is usable as a wavelength separation filter.
◦Easy to be used as a variable wavelength filter by changing the angle of incident.
◦Use the 3 fundamentals colors RGB together, a white color can be obtained.