Visible Square Dichroic Filters


Visible Square Dichroic Filters
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The dielectric multi-layer coating offers a high optical performance. Provides a wide range of visible color quality green, blue, red, yellow, magenta and cyan.
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2 weeks
Material B270
Incident angle
Wavelength Range 400 - 700nm
Surface Quality (Scratch-Dig) 60-40
Clear aperture Circle of 90% of the diameter or Circle inscribed in a square of 90% of the dimensions
Dimensions 50 × 50mm
High transmittance range <br>(normal incident) 515 - 560nm
Transmittance <br>(normal incident) >85%
Cutoff range <br>(normal incident) 400 - 460nm/630 - 700nm
Transmittance of cutoff range <br>(normal incident) <1%
Wavelength at 50% 505±10nm/575±10nm
2 weeks
Material B270
Incident angle
Wavelength Range 400 - 700nm
Surface Quality (Scratch-Dig) 60-40
Clear aperture Circle of 90% of the diameter or Circle inscribed in a square of 90% of the dimensions
Dimensions 50 × 50mm
High transmittance range <br>(normal incident) 420 - 470nm/620 - 700nm
Transmittance <br>(normal incident) >80% / >85%
Cutoff range <br>(normal incident) 520 - 565nm
Transmittance of cutoff range <br>(normal incident) <1%
Wavelength at 50% 495±10nm / 605±10nm
2 weeks
Material B270
Incident angle
Wavelength Range 400 - 700nm
Surface Quality (Scratch-Dig) 60-40
Clear aperture Circle of 90% of the diameter or Circle inscribed in a square of 90% of the dimensions
Dimensions 50 × 50mm
High transmittance range <br>(normal incident) 640 - 700nm
Transmittance <br>(normal incident) >85%
Cutoff range <br>(normal incident) 400 - 565nm
Transmittance of cutoff range <br>(normal incident) <1%
Wavelength at 50% 610±10nm
2 weeks
Material B270
Incident angle
Wavelength Range 400 - 700nm
Surface Quality (Scratch-Dig) 60-40
Clear aperture Circle of 90% of the diameter or Circle inscribed in a square of 90% of the dimensions
Dimensions 50 × 50mm
High transmittance range <br>(normal incident) 400 - 560nm
Transmittance <br>(normal incident) >85%
Cutoff range <br>(normal incident) 640 - 700nm
Transmittance of cutoff range <br>(normal incident) <1%
Wavelength at 50% 590±10nm
2 weeks
Material B270
Incident angle
Wavelength Range 400 - 700nm
Surface Quality (Scratch-Dig) 60-40
Clear aperture Circle of 90% of the diameter or Circle inscribed in a square of 90% of the dimensions
Dimensions 50 × 50mm
High transmittance range <br>(normal incident) 400 - 470nm
Transmittance <br>(normal incident) >85%
Cutoff range <br>(normal incident) 530 - 700nm
Transmittance of cutoff range <br>(normal incident) <1%
Wavelength at 50% 495±10nm
2 weeks
Material B270
Incident angle
Wavelength Range 400 - 700nm
Surface Quality (Scratch-Dig) 60-40
Clear aperture Circle of 90% of the diameter or Circle inscribed in a square of 90% of the dimensions
Dimensions 50 × 50mm
High transmittance range <br>(normal incident) 550 - 700nm
Transmittance <br>(normal incident) >85%
Cutoff range <br>(normal incident) 410 - 475nm
Transmittance of cutoff range <br>(normal incident) <1%
Wavelength at 50% 520±10nm

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◦The switching from reflecting and transmitting is steep; it is usable as a wavelength separation filter.
◦Easy to be used as a variable wavelength filter by changing the angle of incident.
◦Able to choose from a range of the six fundamental colors, fits perfectly for color vision experiments.