Project Avatar

The Project Avatar Experience
Project Avatar represents an innovative effort to bridge the gap between science and entertainment by introducing Optics and Photonics to the STEM community in a novel manner. Our mission serves a dual purpose
First, we seek to captivate young minds- igniting curiosity and cultivating an interest in science to attract a new generation of talent to our industry.
Secondly, we aim to encourage innovation by facilitating collaboration among existing pioneers in the Optics and Photonics field. Through our multi-volume comic series, featuring a captivating sci-fi storyline filled with Easter eggs and pop culture references, we aim to resonate with audiences of all ages. Each volume showcases a different technology (from quantum communications to laser-based additive manufacturing), sparking discussions about the foundations, applications, and limitations of these technologies
Ultimately, the Project Avatar comic series strives to close the divide between science and entertainment by inspiring young minds, fostering innovation, deepening scientific understanding, and contributing to technological advancements in the Optics and Photonics Industries.
If you missed The Project Avatar Experience at Photonics West 2024 and wish to join us on our creative and whimsical adventure, we invite you to reach out to one of OptoSigma’s recruitment officers at to request a personalized employee badge and recruitment package for your interstellar journey, as you become part of our story.
Additionally, you can meet with a G.R.E.A.T. recruitment officer in person at an upcoming trade show. Check our Events page to find out where we'll be exhibiting next

Project Avatar Comics
Would you like your research to be featured in a future volume? Apply here!
Have your artwork featured in a future comic book! Apply here!

Join us on our Reddit page to explore fan theories, immerse yourself in technology discussions, and keep apprised of the latest developments.

Find us on Reddit at :
What is Project Avatar?
Cindy (Guest) I It is a STEM based Comic used to advance knowledge
Where can I go to apply to be featured in a future comic?
Madi (Guest) Tell us about your project/technology and aply to be featured in a future volume here: