Infrarot mit 0.7mm Dicke Objektiv 2mm Brennweite 100x Arbeitsabstand 12.18mm


This is a high NA infinity corrected objective lens for laser processing (fundamental of YAG laser). Its glass-thickness- compensation optical design makes it possible to realize an ideal beam spot size and quality even if it was processed thorough a cover glass.
◦Zwei Arten von Objektivlinsen sind erhältlich. Sie wurden entwickelt, um die Aberration in Abhängigkeit von der Dicke des Deckglases zu korrigieren. (t= 0,7 mm und 1,1 mm) ◦Mit seiner lang arbeitenden Unendlich-Korrekturfunktion; Dieses Objektiv kann für ein Lasersystem und koaxiale Beobachtung verwendet werden.
◦Es wird auch für die Beobachtung von Nahinfrarotlicht verwendet.
◦Hochauflösender Typ (NA=0,65) ist ebenfalls verfügbar.
◦Diese Objektivlinse kann mit einem Pulslaser für sichtbares Licht (532 nm) verwendet werden.
◦Laserschadensschwelle (Referenz): 0,1J/cm2 (532nm), 0,2 J/cm2 (1064nm) (Laserpulsbreite: 10ns, Wiederholungsfrequenz: 20Hz )
Weitere Informationen
Name Infrarot mit 0.7mm Dicke Objektiv 2mm Brennweite 100x Arbeitsabstand 12.18mm
Gewicht 0.3300kgs
Standardbeschichtungen verfügbar Nein
  • Available fixed objective lens holder (LHO-26).
  • WEB-Referenzkatalogcode/W4024
  • When the objective lens is fixed to a 2 axis holder, please consult our Sales Division.
  • For laser processing, we offer a dichroic block (DIMC) and for laser unit with coaxial illumination and observation (OUCI-2).
  • WEB-Referenzkatalogcode/W2041, WEB-Referenzkatalogcode/W2012
  • When an objective lens is used in laser processing, use the diameter of the incident beam to extend to a size of half the pupil diameter (1/e2). A small light spot cannot be achieved when the incident beam is too narrow. Please note if there is a laser energy density increase, there will be a high possibility of damage to the objective lens.
  • When the thickness of cover glass is not same as the specified, designed specifications may not be achieved due to aberration.
  • If the incident laser beam femtosecond is below 100fs, there is a possibility that the pulse width will spread.
  • Magnification is the value when using the imaging lens f=200mm. When used in a microscope lens barrel from other manufacturers there may be different magnifications. The actual magnification should be calculated from the ratio of the focal length of the objective lens and the focal length of the imaging lens to verify the focal length of the imaging lens barrel to be used.
Brennweite 2mm
Vergrößerung 100×
Numerische Apertur 0.53
Arbeitsabstand WD 12.18mm
Auf Lager
4.546,60 €

Delivery in : 1 week

This is a high NA infinity corrected objective lens for laser processing (fundamental of YAG laser). Its glass-thickness- compensation optical design makes it possible to realize an ideal beam spot size and quality even if it was processed thorough a cover glass.

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