Filter Wheels


Filter Wheels
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This holder mounts several filters in a turret allowing different filters to be placed into the optical path by rotating the turret. It can also be used for adjusting the transmitted light intensity by switching ND filters of different transmittance, or for switching transmitted wavelength by mounting color filters.
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6-12 weeks
Compatible Optics Diameter φ25.4mm
Compatible Optics Max Thickness 2.5mm
Max Number of Mounts 12 pieces
6-12 weeks
Compatible Optics Diameter φ15mm
Compatible Optics Max Thickness 3mm
Max Number of Mounts 12 pieces
6-12 weeks
Compatible Optics Diameter φ25.4mm
Compatible Optics Max Thickness 2.5mm
Max Number of Mounts 6 pieces
1 week
Compatible Optics Diameter φ15mm
Compatible Optics Max Thickness 3mm
Max Number of Mounts 6 pieces
1 week
Compatible Optics Diameter φ15mm
Compatible Optics Max Thickness 3mm
Max Number of Mounts 12 pieces
6-12 weeks
Compatible Optics Diameter φ25.4mm
Compatible Optics Max Thickness 2.5mm
Max Number of Mounts 12 pieces
6-12 weeks
Compatible Optics Diameter φ15mm
Compatible Optics Max Thickness 3mm
Max Number of Mounts 6 pieces
6-12 weeks
Compatible Optics Diameter φ25.4mm
Compatible Optics Max Thickness 2.5mm
Max Number of Mounts 6 pieces

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◦Two types are available. The NDWH-15S has a single turret that holds six filters. The NDWH-15W has two turrets that hold six filters each.
◦Each type is also available with either a fixed base (NDWH-15S/NDWH-15W) or mounted on a post (NDWH-15SRO/ NDWH-15WRO).
◦The turret has an index every 30 degrees (point where rotation stops). Using this index, the filter can be located at the positions 0 degrees, 30 degrees, 60 degrees, and 90 degrees.

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