Square Absorptive Neutral Density Filter for YAG Laser


Square Absorptive Neutral Density Filter for YAG Laser
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We offer a complete line of ND filters to reduce intensity of 1064nm YAG laser. This is an absorptive type of filter that reduces stray reflected light and reduces intensity of the light with minimal difference of transmission for visible wavelengths.
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50mm x 50mm 15% (1064nm)
6-12 weeks
Material Optical Glass
(including a substance of optical absorption)
Length A 50×50mm
Transmittance (1064nm) 0.15
50mm x 50mm 30% (1064nm)
1 week
Material Optical Glass
(including a substance of optical absorption)
Length A 50×50mm
Transmittance (1064nm) 0.3
50mm x 50mm 5% (1064nm)
1 week
Material Optical Glass
(including a substance of optical absorption)
Length A 50×50mm
Transmittance (1064nm) 0.05
50mm x 50mm 20% (1064nm)
1 week
Material Optical Glass
(including a substance of optical absorption)
Length A 50×50mm
Transmittance (1064nm) 0.2
50mm x 50mm 50% (1064nm)
1 week
Material Optical Glass
(including a substance of optical absorption)
Length A 50×50mm
Transmittance (1064nm) 0.5
50mm x 50mm 10% (1064nm)
1 week
Material Optical Glass
(including a substance of optical absorption)
Length A 50×50mm
Transmittance (1064nm) 0.1
50mm x 50mm 25% (1064nm)
6-12 weeks
Material Optical Glass
(including a substance of optical absorption)
Length A 50×50mm
Transmittance (1064nm) 0.25

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◦The transmittance can be fine tuned and can offer light intensity adjustment. Moreover, with a multi-filter set up, ultra fine light intensity tuning can be realized.

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