60X60mm Crossed-Roller Bearing, Aluminum, XY-Axis Stage, Side Differential Micrometer, +/-6.5mm, M4 Threads



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Name 60X60mm Crossed-Roller Bearing, Aluminum, XY-Axis Stage, Side Differential Micrometer, +/-6.5mm, M4 Threads
Weight 0.7400kgs
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Image Label Aluminum Crossed Roller X Stage Size Side Drive Metric Threads with Differential Micrometer
Stage Size 60×60mm
Travel ±6.5mm
Load Capacity 196N (20.0kg)
Mounting Thread M4
Micrometer Position Side
Lead of Actuator Coarse:0.5mm Fine:0.025mm
Micrometer Readable Resolution Coarse:0.01mm Fine:0.0005mm
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