60X160mm Crossed-Roller Bearing, Aluminum, X-Axis Stage, Side Differential Micrometer, +/-6.5mm, M4 Threads


High precision crossed-roller linear translation stages with black anodized aluminum bodies.

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Name 60X160mm Crossed-Roller Bearing, Aluminum, X-Axis Stage, Side Differential Micrometer, +/-6.5mm, M4 Threads
Weight 1.1000kgs
Guide -
Attention -
Image Label Aluminum Crossed Roller X Stage 60×160mm Size Side Drive Metric Threads with Differential Micrometer
Stage Size 60×160mm
Travel ±25mm(SDM type :Coarse:±35mm Fine:±3mm)
Load Capacity 392N (40.0kg)
Mounting Thread M4
Micrometer Position Side
Lead of Actuator Coarse:5mm Fine:0.5mm
Micrometer Readable Resolution 0.01mm
Guide Method Crossed roller
Primary Material Aluminum
Finish Black anodized
Travel Accuracy / Straightness 2μm
Travel Accuracy / Pitch 40″
Travel Accuracy / Yaw 25″
Max. Moment Capacity / Pitch 43.2N・m
Max. Moment Capacity / Roll 41.2N・m
Max. Moment Capacity / Yaw 39.2N・m
Moment Stiffness / Pitch 0.05″/N・cm
Moment Stiffness / Roll 0.25″/N・cm
Moment Stiffness / Yaw -
Parallelism 50μm
Running Parallelism 15μm
In stock

Delivery in : 2-6 weeks

High precision crossed-roller linear translation stages with black anodized aluminum bodies.

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