Polarizing Prism Holder 30mm Precision


Used to adjust polarizing prisms such as Glan-Thompson prisms. Best used for precision alignment of Glan-Thompson prisms or for polarimetry devices.

Weitere Informationen
Name Polarizing Prism Holder 30mm Precision
Gewicht 0.4000kgs
  • Post length can be changed by specifying the post length when you place an order. We may charge the difference in price depending on the length. Contact our Sales Division for more information.
  • Holders for polarizing prisms of diameters or thickness not in the specifications listed in the catalog can be made to order.
  • These holders are sold separately from the corresponding optics.
  • WEB Reference Catalog Code/W3450
  • Rotary holders and adapters (GTPC-ADP) are also sold separately. Purchase the combination of three items, a Glan-Thompson prism, adapter and rotary holder, by checking the combinations listed in the following specification table.
Image Label Polarizing Prism Holder 30mm Precision
Type Precision Type
Compatible Adapters Diameter φ34mm
Scale or Vernier MIN Reading 5′
Fine Adjustment Range ±5°
Micro Indicator Conversion about 0.014°/DIV
Total Weight 0.32kg
Auf Lager
261,40 €

Delivery in : 1 week

Used to adjust polarizing prisms such as Glan-Thompson prisms. Best used for precision alignment of Glan-Thompson prisms or for polarimetry devices.

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