Options for Vertical Control Gimbal Beamsplitter Holders


Options for Vertical Control Gimbal Beamsplitter Holders
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Base plates for mounting BSHL mirror holders on optical breadboards or optical baseplates. Base plates are available to mount the BSHL at 0 degrees and 45 degrees incidence positions.
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6-12 weeks
29,50 €
Type 45° incident angle type
Compatible Holders BSHL-50, BSHL-50.8
1 week
9,90 €
Type M4 Taps
Compatible Holders BSHL-12.7, BSHL-15
1 week
29,50 €
Type Combined use 0° and 45° incidence
Compatible Holders BSHL-12.7, BSHL-15
1 week
29,50 €
Type 45° incident angle type
Compatible Holders BSHL-20, BSHL-25.4, BSHL-30
6-12 weeks
29,50 €
Type 0° incident angle type
Compatible Holders BSHL-50, BSHL-50.8
1 week
9,90 €
Type M6 Taps
Compatible Holders BSHL-20, BSHL-25.4, BSHL-30
1 week
29,50 €
Type 0° incident angle type
Compatible Holders BSHL-20, BSHL-25.4, BSHL-30
1 week
29,50 €
Type 45° incident angle type
Compatible Holders BSHL-20, BSHL-25.4, BSHL-30
in stock
29,50 €
Type 45° incident angle type
Compatible Holders BSHL-50, BSHL-50.8
1 week
14,90 €
Type M6 Taps
Compatible Holders BSHL-50, BSHL-50.8
6-12 weeks
29,50 €
Type 0° incident angle type
Compatible Holders BSHL-20, BSHL-25.4, BSHL-30
1 week
29,50 €
Type 0° incident angle type
Compatible Holders BSHL-50, BSHL-50.8

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◦BSHL-BPRO adapter plates for mounting posts (RO-12/20) on the bottom of the BSHL.
◦BSHL-12.7BP mounts BSHL-12.7/15 holders on base plates with M2 threads on 10mm spacing at 0 degrees and 45 degrees incidence positions.
◦When securing with an M4 thread, use the M6-M4 conversion adapter (AD-M6-M4).

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